
Motto: Vengeance is Monarchy


Grelach is a kingdom split by the long, swift River Elisius. To the East lies a heavy mountain range, while to the West is ample flatland. Beyond the mountain range, exists The Wilds, an often unexplored and dangerous territory. It has been suggested that Grelach should invade the tribes people of The Wilds and take over control of the land, but the mountain range makes large scale attacks formidable to even the best of armies. Instead, the mountain range is often patrolled by rangers of the Kings Army to prevent invasions from outlying tribes and backwater villages.

The King of Grelach is swift tempered, unwavering and rumored to be the most ruthless leader of the kingdoms.


A mining town, Aderine is the poorest city in Grelach. Most live in small shacks of wood and tin. Within Aderine, everything is limited due to its proximity to the Bay of Thieves and the Northern moutain range. The weather in Aderine is often windy, rainy and unpleasant.

It has been rumored that Aderine has a slightly seedy underbelly—including abundant prostitution and dangerous thieves who have wandered inland from The Bay of Thieves looking for profit in any way imaginable.


Byspell is a bustling trading town. Unlke Aderine, those in Byspell have slightly better homes, often made of stone and timber, and live in much more comfort. The city is rich with culture, valuing music, food and celebration.

Byspell is casually known as The King’s City and is the capital city in Grelach.


Bahyrst is a thriving village beyond the northern mountain range. It is a matriarchal society. The women often wear furs and paint their faces before battle. The city does not follow the rule of Grelach and has even been rumored to be entirely a myth.


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