The Old Gods

The Old Gods

Ileryinen: The Goddess of Spring, is unusually beautiful, with very pale skin, short, flowing white hair, and eyes the color of gleaming steel. She is tall and very muscular, and almost never smiles. She usually wears armor and a helmet dyed dark grey.

She is also associated with the undead. She is often worshiped by clerics. Her many followers can be primarily distinguished by the weapons they bear. There are a respectable amount of offerings to her in meadows. There are many myths involving her one-sided relationship with certain mortals. She is the sister of Paetorus. She is known to pose riddles to peasants who ask for aid.

Kaiic: The God of Jesters, is an exotic beauty, with brown skin, short, red-brown hair, and eyes the color of moonlight. He is short and solidly built, and is always smiling. He usually wears rich robes dyed pale violet and pale gold.

He is also associated with mercenaries. He is often worshiped by youths. His many followers can be primarily distinguished by the way they conduct themselves. There are many temples to him at the edge of forests. There are many myths involving his mercurial relationship with Ileryinen. He is the brother of Koutrae. He is known to send dreams to mortals with quests.

Alamaelan: The Goddess of the Stars, is eerily beautiful, with brown skin, waist length, braided red-gold hair and eyes the color of forest moss. She is of average height and muscular, and often seems angry. She usually wears scant clothing, dyed grey and red-orange.

She is also associated with pity and rain. She is often worshiped in cities. Her almost fanatical followers can be primarily distinguished by their hairstyle, a long plait down the back. There are numerous depictions of her in the foothills of mountains. There are many myths involving her many adventures with certain chosen mortals. She is the daughter of Gaix. She is known to give some help to great mortal heroes.

Paetorus: The God of Famine and Feasts, is blindingly beautiful, with ivory skin, waist length, swirling red-brown hair, and eyes the color of the green sea. He is short and of average build, and seldom smiles. He usually wears rich robes dyed gold.

He is also associated with war, night and messengers. He is often worshiped by village folk. His surprisingly numerous followers can be primarily distinguished by the ritual greetings they use. There are a large number of shrines to him in most cities. There are many myths involving his mercurial relationship with Koutrae. He is the son of Corrifi. He is known to send visions to mortal heroes.

Corrifi: The Goddess of Warriors, the Hearth and Gambling, is eerily beautiful, with copper skin, short, curly light brown hair, and eyes the color of new-forged copper. She is surprisingly short and very slender, and looks rather smug. She usually wears simple clothes dyed white.

She is also associated with money. She is often worshiped by women. Her many followers can be primarily distinguished by their daily prayers. There are numerous shrines to her in military outposts. There are many myths involving her many adventures with Alamaelan. She is the daughter of Kr'ssn. She is known to sometimes hinder epic mortal heroes.

Gaix: The Goddess of Sex, is an exotic beauty, with bronzed skin, short, wavy dark red hair, and eyes the color of jade. She is tall and somewhat muscular and often wears a confident expression. She usually wears elegant clothing dyed pale blue and dark green.

She is also associated with debts, light and dreams. There are a small number of shrines to her near brothels. There are many myths involving her ill-fated adventures with Paetorus. She is the sister of Chazan. She is known to pose riddles to distressed mortals.

Chazan: The Goddess of Storms, the Forge and Darkness, is shockingly beautiful, with ashen skin, short, rippling dark golden hair, and eyes the color of storm clouds. She is very tall and of average build, and is usually frowning. She usually wears light armor dyed pale orange and dark bronze. 

She is also associated with nightmares and graves. She is often worshiped by village folk. There are many carvings of her at the edge of forests. There are many myths involving her wild romance with Paetorus. She is the wife of Alamaelan. She is known to challenge epic mortal heroes.

Kr'ssn: The Goddess of Death, is surprisingly plain, with brown skin, waist length, curly dark brown hair, and eyes the color of bronze discs. She is very tall and solidly built, and tends to look sad. She usually wears chain mail of dark steel.

She is also associated with the sea and revelry. She is often worshiped and feared by many. Her many followers can be primarily distinguished by their tattoos. There are a small number of shrines to her in forests. There are many myths involving her ill-fated romance with certain mortals. She is the sister of Koutrae. She is known to send visions to mortal leaders.

Koutrae: The Goddess of Birds, Oaths and Agriculture, is plain, with tanned skin, short, flowing black hair, and eyes the color of fallen leaves. She is tall and somewhat muscular, and is usually laughing. She usually wears scant clothing, dyed red-violet. 

She is also associated with promise and abundance. She is often worshiped by countrymen. There are many small tokens left for her near crops and fields. There are many myths involving her competitive relationship with Gaix. She is the daughter of Kr'ssn. She is known to give some help to charismatic mortals or those who work hard for their harvest. 


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